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Kruskal's algorithm

1. Original procedure of the algorithm

2. Proposals of adaptation

3. Discussion of pros and cons

Let us state in advance that blind students find the second method of adaptation better. There are three main reasons for that:

  1. they can immediately find the edge which should processed;
  2. they spend less time moving the cursor between rows and columns of the table;
  3. they do not need to delete the processed edge twice.

When using the first method they have difficulties finding the edge with the lowest weight. They can solve the problem if they search for them by finding strings as "–1–", "–2–", etc. One of the students came up with a proposal to leave the concept of the graph representation by means of a table and use the same arrangement of edges in any plain text editor. Edges of a certain node would be positioned on a line separated by commas or spaces. In that case blind students can use keyboard shortcuts or a refreshable braille display and its functions to work with a text effectively.