The non-governmental organization Interinfo CR aims to help make Czech educational system and other areas (health care, the judiciary, the police) where computer processing of texts influences the speed and capacity of work, more effective. Within this area, Interinfo covers the preparation of the Czech national representation for world championships and international competitions, which it also organizes. For several years it has also organized the state exam in computer text processing.
In the current project, Interinfo will be participating in creating a comprehensive educational programme for the visualisators of spoken language and speech-to-text reporters at universities as well as for university students with special needs. The organization will provide the educational programme with both individual and group leadership of distance tuition in keyboard manipulation and regular seminars with instructors and professional speech-to-text reporters. Another goal will be to extend the lexical database of the system for automatic processing of speech-to-text reports (ZAVPIS) by including specialist terminology of selected academic fields. In pursuit of the implementation of the speech-to-text reports system (ZAVPIS) in the speech-to-text reporting systems online (eScribe, Polygraf), the staff at Interinfo will also provide the programmer work needed for its adaptation.
The partner's participation in activities:
- Coordination of visualisation and speech-to-text reporting of spoken languages and educational programme for visualisers and speech-to-text reporters (as a part of key activity Innovations in the accessibility of real-time communication)