2012 © Expin
developed by Teiresiás IT department
University of Hradec Králové
The Support Centre for Students with Special Needs at MU and The Support Centre for Students with Special Needs at UHK have cultivated a long standing informal cooperation, as the experience gained by MU is put to use at the later-established facility at the partner university.
As one of the facilities with the Consulting Centre at UHK, the Augustin Support Centre for Students with Special Needs will participate in the process of nationwide standardization of services provided to university students with special needs; its participation in the realization of educational courses for service providers will present a welcome feedback; it will be eligible for testing and utilizing the e-learning tools created etc.
The partner's participation in activities:
- Standardization of digitalization practices (courses for service providers) (as a part of key activity Innovations in the accessibility of study materials)
- Innovations in the accessibility of real-time communication
- Innovations in didactic tools and methods