Limpet - Testing document 1

Example 1

Formulate the compound proposition C by means of simple propositions and logical operators.

Proposition A: I will go to do shopping.

Proposition B: I will prepare a cup of tea.

Proposition C: A\Leftrightarrow \neg B


Example 2

Is the formula \alpha =(\neg X\vee \neg Y)\Rightarrow (Z\Rightarrow Z) satisfiable?

Is the formula \beta =(\neg X\vee \neg X)\wedge \neg (Y\Rightarrow Z) a tautology?

Are the following two formulas \varphi_1, \varphi_2 logically equivalent?
\varphi_1 =(\neg X\wedge \neg Y) \vee \neg (Z\wedge Z)
\varphi_2 =(X\vee \neg Y)\vee \neg (Z\Rightarrow Z)

Example 3

Find negations of the following formulas:

\Xi =\exists x[(P(x)\wedge Q(x))\vee R(x)]

\Pi =\forall x[P(x)\Rightarrow \forall yQ(y)]

\Omega =\forall x[P(x)\Rightarrow Q(x)]\wedge \exists x[R(x)\wedge S(x)]

Example 4

The following sets are given: A=\{0,4,5\},\ B=\{0,2,3,4\},\ C=\{3,4\},\ D=\{2,4,5\}. The set \Theta is determined by the following set operations:

\Theta =[(D\setminus C)\times (B\cap A)]\setminus [(A\cup B)\times C]

Write down all the elements of the set \Theta and specify their quantity. How many elements does the power set of the set \Theta contain? (You don't need to write the power set's elements)

Example 5

In which case is the equation |A\cup B|=|A\cap B| true? Choose one correct answer, the symbol |\Delta | means the cardinality of the set \Delta.

a) A\cap B=\emptyset

b) A=B

c) A\subseteq B

d) A\subset B

e) A\ne B

Example 6

Solve the following inequations in \mathbb{R}:


|x-2|\ge 3\wedge |x+1|\le 7

Example 7

Solve the following equation in \mathbb{R}. 2^{-x^2 +x +2} =4^{ x^2 +x +1}$.