Library and Publishing

Access to the library collection

  • digital (on-line) documents: 24/7 service, only for registered users with specific needs (e.g. visual impairment, or fine motor skills disorders)
  • physical documents: to make an appoitment is needed ( 


The University Library for Students with Special Needs (or the Teiresias Library) was built along with the Centre and has always been a part of the assistance offered to students with visual impairment.

It provides access to study materials in suitable formats, i.e. those that help visually impaired students work effectively with required study texts. Even after the services of the Centre were extended to students with other types of disabilities, the library has remained mostly as a service to visually impaired students, or students with impairment of fine motor skills, who have difficulties using standard library documents.


  • The library is listed as “specific” and
  • it belongs to the system of MU Libraries – it runs according to Masaryk University Library Regulations and the methodical rules imposed on all the university libraries; the library catalogue is catalogued within the MU Union Catalogue. 

The library is specific because of:

  • the typological composition of the library catalogue (formats of book units),
  • its acquisition methods (digitization, braille print),
  • special library services.

The library is managed by the Library and Publishing Section of the Centre.

General contact

Address: Komenského náměstí 2, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic
Phone: +420 54949 1107
Fax: +420 54949 1120
Library staff members