Desktop Publishing in Sign Languages
About project
Project of the Teiresias Centre – Masaryk University supported by a grant from the Bilateral Scholarship Programme of Norway Grants and EEA Grants – Programme CZ07.
Project No.: NF-CZ07-MOP-3-230-2015
Start and end of activities: 1st July 2015, 30 June 2016
Partner institution: Statped – Statlig spesialpedagogisk tjeneste, Avdeling for laeringsressurser og teknologiutvikling (National Special Pedagogy Centre, Department for Learning Resources and Technologies), Heimdal, Norsko
Budget: 791 250 CZK
Users of Czech sign language and Norwegian sign language, together with experts in desktop publishing, share their experience and know-how in the field of publishing information in sign languages for the purposes of higher education and professional career of the deaf. Within this collaboration, they will compare the existing technical tools for that purpose (video documents, video books in sign languages, sign textbooks and dictionaries – both offline and online, instant video communication clients). Pieces of good practice will be assessed within a more general framework of universal learning design. Special attention will be paid to the hybrid books containing several mutually synchronised layers (text, audio, video), which is a platform developed by the Masaryk University for that purpose. Following the assessment of various solutions and their usability in both secondary and tertiary education, the two partners will elaborate guidelines and strategies suitable for sign languages users, but not limited to them.
Project outputs
Methodological guidelines for desktop publishing in sign languages
Related links
Supported by a grant from the Bilateral Scholarship Programme of Norway Grants and EEA Grants