Realisation team
Lead partner
Masaryk University
Support Centre for Students with Special Needs
Komenského náměstí 2
602 00 Brno, CZ
Contact persons
Project leader: Dr. Petr Peňáz
Project manager: Ing. Ondřej Válka
Head of Visual communication department: Mgr. Bc. Tomáš Sklenák
Project partner
Statped – Statlig spesialpedagogisk tjeneste, Avdeling for laeringsressurser og teknologiutvikling (National Special Pedagogy Centre, Department for Learning Resources and Technologies)
Sobstadveien 65
7088 Heimdal, NO
Contact persons
Olle Eriksen, Head of Department
Unni Helland, native user of Norwegian Sign language, researcher and manager (communication)
Supported by a grant from the Bilateral Scholarship Programme of Norway Grants and EEA Grants