What's new
1. Press release to the opening of the project
PDF format (czech only)
2. Videoconference on 12 January 2016
12. 1. 2016
The videoconference allowed the members of the two research teams to make personal acquaintance, to introduce both workplaces, their basic tasks and their positions within the structure of their respective institutions and, more generally, within the educational system in the country. The second part of the meeting served to discuss the topics and programme of the planned visit of the Czech team to Heimdal and Trondheim. The meeting was held in English and interpreted in Czech sign language.
3. Visit of the Czech team to Statped in January 2016
24.–30. January 2016
Visited institutions:
Statped workplace in Heimdal
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet – NTNU – the Norwegian University of Technical and Natural Sciences that carries out a BA curriculum for sign language interpreters
For more details see this page.
Supported by a grant from the Bilateral Scholarship Programme of Norway Grants and EEA Grants
